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Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification using Posterior Divergence (PDF)
Xiong Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Tai Sing Lee (Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University), Yuncai Liu (Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Particle Filter with State Permutations for Solving Image Jigsaw Puzzles (PDF)
Xingwei Yang (Temple University), Nagesh Adluru, LonginJan Latecki
Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrices via Half-Quadratic based Nonconvex Minimization
Ran He (Institute of Automation Chines), zhenan sun (Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences), Tieniu Tan, Wei-Shi Zheng (Queen Mary University of London)
Robust and Efficient Regularized Boosting Using Total Bregman Divergence (PDF)
Majorization-Minimization mixture model determination in image segmentation (PDF)
Giorgos Sfikas (University of Strasbourg), Christophoros Nikou (University of Ioannina), Nikos Galatsanos (University of Patras), Christian Heinrich (University of Strasbourg)
Modelling composite shapes by Gibbs Random Fields (PDF)
Dmitrij Schlesinger, Boris Flach (Czech technical University Prague)
Contextualizing Object Detection and Classification (PDF)
Zheng Song (National University of Singapo), Qiang Chen (National Univ. of Singapore), Zhongyang Huang (Panasonic Singapore Laboratories), Yang Hua (PSL), Shuicheng Yan
Deformation and Illumination Invariant Feature Point Descriptor (PDF)
Francesc Moreno (Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial (UPC/CSIC))
Discriminative Affine Sparse Codes for Image Classification
Tatsuya Harada (The Univ. of Tokyo), Yoshitaka Ushiku (Grad. School of Information Sc), Yuya Yamashita (The Univ. of Tokyo), Yasuo Kuniyoshi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Efficient Euclidean Distance Transform Using Perpendicular Bisector Segmentation (PDF)
Jun Wang (Peking University), Ying Tan (Peking University)
Hyper-graph Matching via Reweighted Random Walks (PDF) - formely: Establishing Feature Correspondences via Hyper-graph Matching Using Reweighted Random Walks
Jungmin Lee Seoul National University (Seoul National University), Minsu Cho, Seoul National Uniersity)
Evaluating Knowledge Transfer and Zero-Shot Learning in a Large-Scale Setting (PDF)
Marcus Rohrbach (MPI Informatics), Michael Stark (MPI Informatics), Bernt Schiele (MPI Informatics)
Exploring Relations of Visual Codes for Image Classification
yongzhen Huang, Kaiqi Huang (NLPR, CASIA), Tieniu Tan
High Level Describable Attributes for Predicting Aesthetics and Interestingness (PDF)
Bing Li (Shanghai JiaoTong Univerisity), Rong Xiao, Zhiwei Li (Microsoft), Rui Cai (Microsoft Research, Asia), Bao-Liang Lu, Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Extracting Vanishing Points across Multiple Views (PDF)
Michael Hornacek (VRVis Research Center), Stefan Maierhofer (VRVis)
Feature Context for Image Classi?cation and Object Detection
Xinggang Wang (Huazhong Univ. of Sci&Tech.), Xiang Bai (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Wenyu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), LonginJan Latecki
High-quality shape from multi-view stereo and shading under general illumination (PDF)
Yun Zeng, Chaohui Wang (Ecole Centrale Paris/INRIA), Yang Wang, David Gu, Dimitris Samaras, Nikos Paragios
Robust Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection (PDF)
Baiyang Liu (Rutgers University), junzhou Huang (Rutgers University, CBIM), Casimir Kulikowski (Rutgers), Lin Yang (UMDNJ)
Markerless Motion Capture of Interacting Characters Using Multi-view Image Segmentation (PDF, project, videos)
Yebin Liu (Max Planck Institute), Carsten Stoll (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), Juergen Gall, Hans-Peter Seidel (MPI Informatik), Christian Theobalt
Orals 2D - Segmentation and Grouping
Occlusion Boundary Detection and Figure/Ground Assignment from Optical Flow (PDF)
Patrik Sundberg (UC Berkeley), Jitendra Malik (UC Berkeley), Michael Maire (California Institute of Technology), Pablo Arbelaez, Thomas Brox (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg)
Nonlinear Shape Manifolds as Shape Priors in Level Set Segmentation and Tracking (PDF)
Ian Reid (University of Oxford), Victor Prisacariu (University of Oxford)
Kernelized Structural SVM Learning for Supervised Object Segmentation (PDF)
Luca Bertelli (Google), Tianli Yu (Google Inc.), Diem Vu (Google Inc.), Salih Gokturk (Google Inc)
Contour Based Joint Clustering of Multiple Segmentations (PDF, project)
Jamie Shotton (Microsoft Research Cambridge), Andrew Fitzgibbon, Mat Cook, Andrew Blake
Camera Calibration with Lens Distortion from Low-rank Textures (PDF)
Zhengdong Zhang (Microsoft Research Asi), Yasuyuki Matsushita, Yi Ma
High-resolution Hyperspectral Imaging via Matrix Factorization (PDF)
Rei Kawakami, John Wright, Yu-Wing Tai (KAIST), Yasuyuki Matsushita, Moshe Ben-Ezra (Microsoft Research Asia), Katsushi Ikeuchi
Radiometric Calibration by Transform Invariant Low-rank Structure (PDF)
Joon-Young Lee (KAIST), Boxin Shi (The University of Tokyo), Yasuyuki Matsushita, InSo Kweon, Katsushi Ikeuchi
A Large-scale Benchmark Dataset for Event Recognition in Surveillance Video (PDF)
Sangmin Oh, Anthony Hoogs, A.G.Amitha Perera, Chia-Chih Chen (UT ECE), Jong Taek Lee (The University of Texas at Austin), Jake Aggarwal, Hyungtae Lee (University of Maryland, College Park), Larry Davis, Xiaoyang Wang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Eran Swears (RPI), Qiang Ji, Kishore Reddy (University Of Central Florida), Mubarak Shah, Carl Vondrick (University of California, Irvi), Hamed Pirsiavash, Deva Ramanan, Jenny Yuen (MIT), Antonio Torralba, Bi Song (UCR), Anesco Fong (Univ. of California, Riverside), Amit Roy-Chowdhury, Mita Desai (DARPA)
Abnormal Detection Using Interaction Energy Potentials (PDF)
Xinyi Cui (Rutgers University), Qingshan Liu (Rutgers University), Mingchen Gao (Rutgers University), Dimitris Metaxas
Activity Recognition using Dynamic Subspace Angles (PDF)
Octavia Camps, Mario Sznaier (Northeastern University), Binlong Li (Northeastern University), Teresa Mao (Northeastern University), Mustafa Ayazoglu (Northeastern University)
Actom Sequence Models for Efficient Action Detection (PDF)
Identifying Players in Broadcast Sports Videos using Conditional Random Fields (PDF, project)
Wei-Lwun Lu (University of British Columbia), Jo-Anne Ting (University of British Columbia), Kevin Murphy (University of British Columbia), Jim Little (University of British Columbia)
Instantly Telling What Happens in a Video Sequence Using Light Features
Liang Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology), Yizhou Wang, Tingting Jiang (School of EECS, Peking University), Wen Gao (Peking University)
Joint Segmentation and Classification of Human Actions in Video (PDF)
MinhHoai Nguyen, Zhen-zhong Lan (Carnegie Mellon University), Fernando DelaTorre
Learning Context for Collective Activity Recognition (PDF)
Wongun Choi (University of Michigan), Silvio Savarese, Khuram Shahid
Learning to Recognize Objects in Egocentric Activities (PDF)
Alireza Fathi (Georgia Institute of Technolog), Xiaofeng Ren, James Rehg
Estimating Motion and Size of Moving Non-Line-of-Sight Objects in Cluttered Environments
Rohit Pandharkar (MIT), Andreas Velten (MIT), Andrew Bardagjy (MIT), Ramesh Raskar, Moungi Bawendi, Ahmed Kirmani, Everett Lawson (MIT)
Exploring Aligned Complementary Image Pair for Blind Motion Deblurring (PDF)
Wen Li (School of Electronics and Info), Jun Zhang (School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beihang University), Qionghai Dai (Tsinghua University)
Face Illumination Transfer through Edge-preserving Filters
Jianbing Shen (Beijing Institute ofTechnology), Xiaoshan Yang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
Posters 2B - Stereo and Structure form Motion, Performance Evaluation, Object Detection
A Branch and Contract Algorithm For Globally Optimal Fundamental Matrix Estimation
Yinqiang Zheng (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Shigeki Sugimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Masatoshi Okutomi
A Brute-Force Algorithm for Reconstructing a Scene from Two Projections (PDF)
Olof Enqvist (Lund University), Fangyuan Jiang (Lund University), Fredrik Kahl
A Novel Parametrization of the Perspective-Three-Point Problem for a Direct Computation of Absolute Camera Position and Orientation
Laurent Kneip (ETH Zurich), Davide Scaramuzza, Roland Siegwart (ETH Zurich)
A Robust Method for Vector Field Learning with Application to Mismatch Removing
Ji Zhao (Huazhong Univ of Sci&Tech), Ma Jiayi
An Analysis of Using High-Frequency Sinusoidal Illumination to Measure the 3D Shape of Translucent Objects (PDF, project, results)
Michael Holroyd (University of Virginia), Jason Lawrence (University of Virginia)
Energy Based Multiple Model Fitting for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion (PDF, code)
Chris Russell, Joao Fayad (Queen Mary, UoL), Lourdes Agapito
Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond (PDF)
Christoph Rhemann (Vienna University of Technolog), Asmaa Hosni (Vienna University of Technology), Michael Bleyer (Vienna University of Technology), Carsten Rother, margrit Gelautz (Vienna University of Technology)
Fusion of GPS and Structure-from-Motion using Constrained Bundle Adjustments (PDF)
Maxime Lhuillier
Global Stereo Matching Leveraged by Sparse Ground Control Points (PDF)
Liang Wang, Ruigang Yang (University of Kentucky)
L1-rotation averaging using the Weiszfeld algorithm
Changchang Wu (University of Washington at Se), Changchang Wu (University of Washtingon at Seattle), Sameer Agarwal, Brian Curless (University of Washtingon at Seattle), Steve Seitz
Non-Rigid Structure from Motion with Complementary Rank-3 Spaces (PDF)
Paulo Gotardo (The Ohio State University), Aleix Martinez
NonLinear Refinement of Structure from Motion Reconstruction by Taking Advantage of a Partial Knowledge of the Environment
Mohamed Tamaazousti (CEA LIST), Vincent Gay-Bellile, Sylvie Naudet Colette (CEA LIST), steve bourgeois, michel dhome
Object Stereo - Joint Stereo Matching and Object Segmentation (PDF)
Michael Bleyer (Vienna University of Technology), Carsten Rother, Pushmeet Kohli, Daniel Scharstein, Sudipta Sinha
Projective Alignment of Range and Parallax Data (PDF)
Miles Hansard (INRIA Rhone-Alpes), Radu Horaud, Michel Amat (INRIA Rhone-Alpes), Seungkyu Lee (SAIT)
Posters 2C - Image and Video Retrieval, Scene Understanding, Optimization, Vision for Robotics
Asymmetric Distances for Binary Embeddings
Albert Gordo (CVC / XRCE), Florent Perronnin
City-Scale Landmark Identification on Mobile Devices (PDF)
David Chen (Stanford University), Georges Baatz (Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich), Kevin Koeser, Sam Tsai, Ramakrishna Vedantham (Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto), Timo Pylvanainen (Nokia Research Center, Tampere), kimmo Roimela (Nokia Research Center), Xin Chen (Navteq), Jeff Bach (Navteq), Marc Pollefeys, Bernd Girod, Radek Grzeszczuk
Combining attributes and Fisher vectors for efficient image retrieval (PDF)
Tag Localization with Spatial Correlations and Joint Group Sparsity (PDF)
Yang Yang (The University of Queensland), Yi Yang (The University of Queensland), Zi Huang (The University of Queensland), Heng Tao Shen (The University of Queensland), Feiping Nie (University of Texas, Arlington)
Heterogeneous Image Features Integration via Multi-View Spectral Clustering
Xiao Cai (Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Arlington), Feiping Nie (University of Texas, Arlington), Heng Huang (University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering), Farhad Kamangar (Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Arlington)
Luca Del Pero (University of Arizona), Jinyan Guan (University of Arizona), Ernesto Brau (University of Arizona), Joseph Schlecht (University of Heidelber), Kobus Barnard (Universiy of Arizona)
Scene Shape from Textures of Objects
Nadia Payet (Oregon State University), Sinisa Todorovic
Wavelet Belief Propagation for Large Scale Inference Problems (PDF)
Ruxandra Lasowski (Max Planck Institute Informatik), Art Tevs (Max Planck Institute Informatik), Michael Wand (Max Planck Institute Informatik), Hans-Peter Seidel
[Best Student Paper] Recognition Using Visual Phrases (PDF)
Ali Farhadi (UIUC), Mohammad Amin Sadeghi (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Uncovering Vein Patterns from Color Skin Images for Forensic Analysis
Chaoying Tang (Nanyang Technological Univ.), Adams Wai Kin Kong (Nanyang Technological University), Noah Craft (Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute)
What You Saw is Not What You Get: Domain Adaptation Using Asymmetric Kernel Transforms (PDF)
Brian Kulis, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell (ICSI, UC Berkeley)
Automatic Photo-to-Terrain Alignment for the Annotation of Mountain Pictures (PDF)
Lionel Baboud (MPI Informatik), Martin Cadik (MPI Informatik), Elmar Eisemann (MPI Informatik, Telecom ParisTech), Hans-Peter Seidel (MPI Informatik)
Orals 3B - Image Modeling
Rectification and 3D reconstruction of Curved Document Images (PDF)
Amit Agrawal, Yuichi Taguchi (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs), Srikumar Ramalingam (MERL)
Orals 3C - Applications
[Best Student Paper Honorable Mention] Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components of An Image
Cherry Zhang (University of Waterloo), Imari Sato
Sparse Approximated Nearest Points for Image Set Classification (PDF)
Yiqun Hu (University of Western Australia), Ajmal Mian (University of Western Australia), Robyn Owens (University of Western Australia)
Intrinsic Images Decomposition Using a Local and Global Sparse Representation of Reflectance (PDF)
Li Shen (I2R), Chuohao Yeo (i2r.a-star.edu.sg)
Sparsity-based Image Denoising via Dictionary Learning and Structural Clustering (PDF, project, code, results)
Weisheng Dong (Xidian University), Xin Li (WVU), Lei Zhang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Guangming Shi (Xidian University)
Stable Multi-Target Tracking in Real-Time Surveillance Video (PDF, videos)
Ben Benfold (University of Oxford), Ian Reid (University of Oxford)
Orals 3D - Statistical Methods and Learning
Principal Regression Analysis
Jason Saragih (CSIRO)
Accelerated Low-Rank Visual Recovery by Random Projection (PDF)
Yadong Mu (NUS, Singapore), Jian Dong (NUS, Singapore), Xiaotong Yuan (NUS, Singapore), Shuicheng Yan (NUS, Singapore)
Online Domain-Adaptation of a Pre-Trained Cascade of Classifiers (PDF)
Vidit Jain (Yahoo! Labs), Eric Learned-Miller
Coupled Information-Theoretic Encoding for Face Photo-Sketch Recognition (PDF)
Wei Zhang (CUHK), Xiaogang Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Xiaoou Tang
A Generative Statistical Model for Tracking Multiple Smooth Trajectories (PDF)
Ernesto Brau (University of Arizona), Kobus Barnard (Universiy of Arizona), Ravi Palanivelu (University of Arizona), Damayanthi Dunatunga (University of Arizona), Tatsuya Tsukamoto (University of Arizona), Philip Lee
A Polar Representation of Motion and Implications for Optical Flow (PDF)
Kota Yamaguchi (Stony Brook University), Alexander Berg, Luis Ortiz, Tamara Berg (Stony Brook University)
2D Nonrigid Partial Shape Matching Using MCMC and Contour Subdivision (PDF)
Yu Cao (University of South Carolina), Zhiqi Zhang (University of South Carolina), Irina Czogiel (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics), Ian Dryden (University of South Carolina), Song Wang
A Deformation and Lighting Insensitive Metric for Face Recognition Based on Dense Correspondences (PDF)
Anne Jorstad (University of Maryland), David Jacobs, Alain Trouvé (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan)
Affine-invariant diffusion geometry for the analysis of deformable 3D shapes (Technical report)
Dan Raviv (Technion), Alexander Bronstein (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel), Michael Bronstein (University of Lugano), Ron Kimmel (Technion - IIT), Nir Sochen
Affinity Learning on a Tensor Product Graph with Applications to Shape and Image Retrieval (PDF)
Xingwei Yang (Temple University), LonginJan Latecki
Aggregating Gradient Distributions into Intensity Orders: A Novel Local Image Descriptor (PDF, project,videos, code)
Discriminative Image Warping with Attribute Flow (PDF, slides, poster)
Weiyu Zhang (University of Pennsylvania), Praveen Srinivasan (University of Pennsylvania), Jianbo Shi (University of Pennsylvania)
Efficient Groupwise Non-rigid Registration of Textured Surfaces (PDF)
Kirill Sidorov (Cardiff University), Stephen Richmond (Cardiff University), David Marshall (Cardiff University)
Global Optimization for Optimal Generalized Procrustes Analysis (PDF)
Daniel Pizarro (University of Alcala), Adrien Bartoli (Universitéd'Auvergne)
Graph Matching through Entropic Manifold Alignment
Francisco Escolano (University of Alicante), Edwin Hancock, Miguel Lozano (University of Alicante)
Matching 2D Image Lines to 3D Models: Two Improvements and a New Algorithm
Behzad Kamgar-Parsi (ONR)
Multi-Level Inference by Relaxed Dual Decomposition for Human Pose Segmentation (PDF)
Huayan Wang (Stanford University), Daphne Koller
Multiview Registration via Graph Diffusion of Dual Quaternions (PDF)
Andrea Torsello, Emanuele Rodola (UniversitàCa'Foscari Venezia), Andrea Albarelli
Optimal Similarity Registration of Volumetric Images (PDF)
Effrosyni Kokiopoulou (ETH Zurich), Michail Zervos (University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications), Daniel Kressner (ETH Zurich, Seminar for Applied Mathematics), Nikos Paragios
Registration for 3D Surfaces with Large Deformations Using Quasi-Conformal Curvature Flow
Wei Zeng (Stony Brook University), David Gu
Robust Point Set Registration Using EM-ICP with Information-Theoretically Optimal Outlier Handling
Topologically-Robust 3D Shape Matching Based on Diffusion Geometry and Seed Growing (PDF)
Avinash Sharma (INRIA), Radu Horaud, Jan Cech (INRIA), Edmond Boyer
Illumination Estimation and Cast Shadow Detection through a Higher-order Graphical Model (PDF)
Alexandros Panagopoulos (Stony Brook University), Chaohui Wang (Ecole Centrale Paris/INRIA), Dimitris Samaras, Nikos Paragios
Illumination Invariant Feature Extraction Based on Natural Images Statistics - Taking Face Images as An Example (PDF) - formely: Illumination Invariant Feature Extraction Based on Natural Images Statistics and Optimal Filtering
Lu-Hung Chen (UNC at Chapel Hill), Yang Yao-Hsiang (National Taiwan University), Chu-Song Chen, Ming-Yen Cheng
Interreflections removal for photometric stereo by using spectrum-dependent albedo
Miao Liao (University of Kentucky), Xinyu Huang (North Carolina Central University), Ruigang Yang (University of Kentucky)
Robust Sparse Coding for Face Recognition (PDF, code)
Meng Yang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Lei Zhang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Jian Yang (Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech.), David Zhang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
A RankOrder-based clustering algorithm in face annotation
Chunhui Zhu (Tsinghua University), Fang Wen (Microsoft Research Asia), Jian Sun
A Multichannel Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Algorithm for 3D Superalloy Image Segmentation
Yu Cao (University of South Carolina), Lili Ju (University of South Carolina), Qin Zou (University of South Carolina), Chengzhang Qu (Wuhan University, China), Song Wang
A Unified Framework for Locating and Recognizing Human Actions (PDF)
Yuelei Xie (Institute of computing technology, Chinese Academy of Science), Hong Chang, Zhe Li (Institute of computing technology, Chinese Academy of Science), Luhong Liang (Institute of computing technology, Chinese Academy of Science), Xilin Chen, Debin Zhao
Aesthetic Quality Classification of Photographs Based on Color Harmony
Masashi Nishiyama (University of Tokyo), Takahiro Okabe, Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato
Constructing Image Panoramas using Dual-Homography Warping (PDF)
Automated Mitosis Detection of Stem Cell Populations with high confluency in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images
Seungil Huh (Carnegie Mellon University), Mei Chen (Intel Labs Pittsburgh)
CrossTrack: Robust 3D Tracking from Two Cross-Sectional Views
Mohamed Hussein, Fatih Porikli
Effective 3D Object Detection and Regression Using Probabilistic Segmentation Features in CT Images (PDF)
Le Lu (Siemens), Jinbo Bi (University of Connecticut), Matthias Wolf, Marcos Salganicoff
Feature Guided Motion Artifact Reduction with Structure-Awareness in 4D CT Images (PDF)
Dongfeng Han (UI), John Bayouth (UI), Qi Song, sudershan Bhatia (UI), Milan Sonka, Xiaodong Wu
Generalized Group Sparse Classifiers with Application in fMRI Brain Decoding (PDF)
Bernard Ng, Rafeef Abugharbieh
Hierarchical Anatomical Brain Networks for MCI Prediction by Partial Least Square Analysis
Luping Zhou (UNC at Chapel Hill, U.S.A), Yaping Wang (Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R.China), Yang Li (UNC at Chapel Hill, U.S.A), Pew-Thian Yap (UNC at Chapel Hill, U.S.A), Dinggang Shen
Human Brain Labeling Using Image Similarities
François Rousseau (CNRS), Piotr Habas (UCSF), Colin Studholme (UCSF)
Landmark/Image-based Deformable Registration of Gene Expression Data (PDF)
Uday Kurkure, Yen Le, Nikos Paragios, James Carson, Tao Ju, Ioannis Kakadiaris
Learning-based Hypothesis Fusion for Robust Catheter Tracking in 2D X-ray Fluoroscopy (PDF)
Image Saliency: From Local to Global Context (PDF)
Meng Wang (Boston University), Janusz Konrad (Boston University), Prakash Ishwar (Boston University), Yushi Jing (Google Research), Henry Rowley (Google)
Robert Pless, Nathan Jacobs (University of Kentucky), Michael Dixon (Washington University in St. Louis), Austin Abrams (Washington University in St. Louis)
Saliency Estimation Using a Non-Parametric Low-Level Vision Model (PDF)
Naila Murray (Computer Vision Centre), Maria Vanrell, Xavier Otazu, C. Alejandro Parraga
Simulating Human Saccadic Scanpaths on Natural Images (PDF)
Wei Wang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy and Sciences), Cheng Chen, Yizhou Wang, Tingting Jiang (School of EECS, Peking University), Fang Fang, Yuan Yao
Single Image Super-Resolution using Gaussian Process Regression
He He (The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ), Wan-Chi Siu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
The importance of intermediate representations for the modeling of 2D shape detection: Endstopping and curvature tuned computations
Antonio Rodriguez-Sanchez (York University), John Tsotsos
Visual Saliency Detection by Spatially Weighted Dissimilarity
Lijuan duan, chunpeng Wu, Jun Miao (ICT, CAS), Laiyun Qing, Yu Fu