- A selection of computer vision related papers -
See IJCAI 2011 page for a non selective list.
- Accommodating Human Variability in Human-Robot Teams through Theory of Mind
- Laura Hiatt, Anthony Harrison, Greg Trafton
- Aesthetic Guidelines Driven Photography By Robots
- Raghudeep Gadde, Kamalakar Karlapalem
- Capturing an Evader in a Polygonal Environment with Obstacles (PDF)
- Deepak Bhadauria, Volkan Isler
- Conics With A Common Axis of Symmetry: Properties and Applications to Camera Calibration
- Zijian Zhao
- Exploiting Probabilistic Knowledge under Uncertain Sensing for Efficient Robot Behaviour (PDF)
- Marc Hanheide, Nick Hawes, Charles Gretton, Alper Aydemir, Hendrik Zender, Andrzej Pronobis, Jeremy Wyatt, Moritz Göbelbecker
- Robotic Object Detection: Learning to Improve the Classifiers using Sparse Graphs for Path Planning
- Zhaoyin Jia, Ashutosh Saxena, Tsuhan Chen
- User-dependent Aspect Model for Collaborative Activity Recognition
- Wenchen Zheng, Qiang Yang