Oral M1: Computational Imaging

Guided Image Filtering (PDF, supplementary material, source code)
Kaiming He, Jian Sun, Xiaoou Tang
Analysis of Motion Blur With a Flutter Shutter Camera for Non-Linear Motion (PDF)
Yuanyuan Ding, Scott McCloskey, Jingyi Yu
Error-tolerant Image Compositing (PDF, project, supplementary material, source code)
Michael Tao, Micah Johnson, Sylvain paris
Blind Reflectometry (PDF)
Fabiano Romeiro, Todd Zickler
Photometric Stereo for Dynamic Surface Orientations (PDF)
Hyeongwoo Kim, Bennett Wilburn, Moshe Ben-Ezra
Fully isotropic Fast Marching methods on Cartesian Grids
Vikram Appia, Anthony Yezzi

Spotlights and Posters M1

Descattering Transmission via Angular Filtering (PDF)
Jaewon Kim, Douglas Lanman, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Ramesh Raskar
Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography (PDF, project, video)
Mohit Gupta, Amit Agrawal, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Srinivasa Narasimhan
Learning PDEs for Image Restoration via Optimal Control (PDF)
Risheng Liu, Zhouchen Lin, Wei Zhang, Zhixun Su
Compressive Acquisition of Dynamic Scenes (PDF)
Aswin Sankaranarayanan, Pavan Turaga, Richard Baraniuk, Rama Chellappa
Scene carving: Scene consistent image retargeting (PDF, project, supplementary material, source code, image database)
Alexander Mansfield, Peter Gehler, Luc Van Gool, Carsten Rother
Two-Phase Kernel Estimation for Robust Motion Deblurring (PDF, project, software)
Li Xu, Jiaya Jia
Single Image Deblurring Using Motion Density Functions (PDF, project)
Ankit Gupta, Neel Joshi, Larry Zitnick, Michael Cohen, Brian Curless
An iterative method with general convex fidelity term for image restoration
Miyoun Jung, Elena Resmerita, Luminita Vese
Analyzing Depth from Coded Aperture Sets (PDF)
Anat Levin
We Are Family: Joint Pose Estimation of Multiple Persons (PDF)
Marcin Eichner, Vittorio Ferrari
Joint People, Event, and Location Recognition in Personal Photo Collections using Cross-Domain Context (PDF)
Dahua Lin, Ashish Kapoor, Gang Hua, Simon Baker
Chrono-Gait Image: A Novel Temporal Template for Gait Recognition (PDF)
Chen Wang, Junping Zhang, Jian Pu, Xiaoru Yuan, Liang Wang
Robust Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Facial Trait Code (PDF)
Ping-Han Lee, Gee-Sern Hsu, Si-Wei Wu, Yi-Ping Hung
A 2D Human Body Model Dressed in Eigen Clothing (PDF)
Peng Guan, Oren Freifeld, Michael Black
Self-Adapting Feature Layers (PDF)
Pia Breuer, Volker Blanz
Face Recognition with Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes
Ngoc-Son Vu, Alice Caplier
Spatial-Temporal Granularity-tunable Gradients Partition (STGGP) descriptors for human detection
Yazhou Liu, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Janne Heikkila, Wen Gao, Matti Pietikäinen
Being John Malkovich (PDF, project)
Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Aditya Sankar, Eli Shechtman, Steve Seitz
Facial Contour Labeling via Congealing
Xiaoming Liu, Yan Tong, Frederick Wheeler, Peter Tu
Cascaded Confidence Filtering for Improved Tracking-by-Detection (PDF, supplementary material, project)
Severin Stalder, Helmut Grabner, Luc Van Gool
Inter-Camera Association of Multi-Target Tracks by On-line Learned Appearance Affinity Models (PDF)
Cheng-Hao Kuo, Chang Huang, Ram Nevatia
Multi-Person Tracking with Sparse Detection and Continuous Segmentation (PDF)
Dennis Mitzel, Esther Horbert, Andreas Ess, Bastian Leibe
Closed-loop Adaptation for Robust Tracking (PDF, project)
Jialue Fan, Xiaohui Shen, Ying Wu
Discriminative Spatial Attention for Robust Tracking (PDF, project)
Jialue Fan, Ying Wu, Shengyang Dai
Gaussian-like Spatial Priors for Articulated Tracking (PDF)
Søren Hauberg, Stefan Sommer, Kim Pedersen
Dense Point Trajectories by GPU-accelerated Large Displacement Optical Flow (PDF)
Narayanan Sundaram, Thomas Brox, Kurt Keutzer
Improving Data Association by Joint Modeling of Pedestrian Trajectories and Groupings (PDF)
Stefano Pellegrini, Andreas Ess, Luc Van Gool
Globally optimal multi-target tracking on a hexagonal lattice (PDF)
Anton Andriyenko, Konrad Schindler
Object, Scene and Actions: Combining Multiple Features for Human Action Recognition (PDF)
Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis, Stan Sclaroff
Representing Pairwise Spatial and Temporal Relations for Action Recognition (PDF)
Pyry Matikainen, Rahul Sukthankar, Martial Hebert
Compact video description with precise temporal alignment (PDF, abstract, result)- formely: Compact video description for copy detection with precise temporal alignment
Matthijs Douze, Hervé Jégou, Cordelia Schmid, Patrick Pérez
Modeling the Temporal Extent of Actions (PDF)
Scott Satkin, Martial Hebert
Content-based Retrieval of Functional Objects in Video using Scene Context
Sang Oh, Anthony Hoogs, Matt Turek, Roderic Collins
Anomalous Behaviour Detection using Spatiotemporal Oriented Energies, Subset Inclusion Histogram Comparison and Event-Driven Processing
Andrei Zaharescu, Richard Wildes
Tracklet Descriptors for Action Modeling and Video Analysis (PDF)- formely: Time Series of Local Photometry as Simple Descriptors for Action Modeling and Video Analysis
Michalis Raptis, Stefano Soatto
Word Spotting in the Wild (PDF, project)
Kai Wang, Serge Belongie
A Stochastic Graph Evolution Framework for Robust Multi-Target Tracking (PDF)
Bi Song, Ting-Yueh Jeng, Elliot Staudt, Amit Roy-Chowdhury

Spotlights and Posters M2

Backprojection Revisited: Scalable Multi-view Object Detection and Similarity Metrics for Detections (PDF, project, results, video)
Nima Razavi, Juergen Gall, and Luc Van Gool
Multiple Instance Metric Learning from Automatically Labeled Bags of Faces (PDF)
Matthieu Guillaumin, Jakob Verbeek, Cordelia Schmid
Partition Min-Hash for Partial Duplicate Image Discovery (PDF)
David C. Lee, Qifa Ke, Michael Isard
Automatic Attribute Discovery and Characterization (PDF)
Tamara Berg, Alexander Berg, Jonathan Shih
Learning to Recognize Objects from Unseen Modalities (PDF)
Mario Christoudias, Raquel Urtasun, Mathieu Salzmann, Trevor Darrell
Building Compact Local Pairwise Codebook with Joint Feature Space Clustering (PDF)
Nobuyuki Morioka, Shin'ichi Satoh
Image-To-Class Distance Metric Learning For Image Classification (PDF, poster)
Zhengxiang Wang, Yiqun Hu, Liang-Tien Chia
Extracting Structures in Image Collections for Object Recognition (PDF)
Sandra Ebert, Diane Larlus, Bernt Schiele
Size does matter: improving object recognition and 3D reconstruction with cross-media analysis of image
Stephan Gammeter, Till Quack, David Tingdahl, Luc Van Gool
Avoiding confusing features in place recognition (PDF)
Jan Knopp, Josef Sivic, Tomas Pajdla
Semantic Label Sharing for Learning with Many Categories (PDF)
Rob Fergus, Hector Bernal, Yair Weiss, Antonio Torralba Torralba
Efficient object category recognition using classemes (PDF)
Lorenzo Torresani, Martin Szummer, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Practical Autocalibration (PDF)
Riccardo Gherardi, Andrea Fusiello
Resampling Structure from Motion
Tian Fang, Long Quan
Sequential Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion with the 3D-Implicit Low-Rank Shape Model (PDF)
Marco Paladini, Adrien Bartoli, Lourdes Agapito
Bundle Adjustment in the Large (PDF)
Sameer Agarwal, Noah Snavely, Richard Szeliski, Steve Seitz
Sparse Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization for Geometric Vision
Manolis Lourakis
Geometric Image Parsing in Man-Made Environments (PDF)
Olga Barinova, Victor Lempitsky, Elena Tretiak, Pushmeet Kohli
Euclidean Structure Recovery from Motion in Perspective Image Sequences via Hankel Rank Minimization (PDF)
Mustafa Ayazoglu, Mario Sznaier, Octavia Camps
Exploiting loops in the graph of trifocal tensors for calibrating a network of cameras (PDF, supplementary material)
Jérôme Courchay, Arnak Dalalyan, Renaud Keriven, Peter Sturm
Efficient Structure from Motion by Graph Optimization
Michal Havlena, Akihiko Torii, Tomas Pajdla
Conjugate Gradient Bundle Adjustment
Martin Byröd, Kalle Astroem
NF-Features - No-Feature-Features for Representing non-Textured Regions
Ralf Dragon, Muhammad Shoaib, Bodo Rosenhahn, Jörn Ostermann
Detecting Large Repetitive Structures with Salient Boundaries (PDF)
Changchang Wu, Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys
Fast Covariance Computation and Dimensionality Reduction for Sub-Window Features in Images (PDF)
Vivek Kwatra, Mei Han
Binary coherent edge descriptors (PDF, project, dataset)
C. Lawrence Zitnick
Adaptive and Generic Corner Detection Based on the Accelerated Segment Test (Project, source code)
Elmar Mair, Gregory D. Hager, Darius Burschka, Michael Suppa, Gerhard Hirzinger
Spatially-sensitive affine-invariant image descriptors (PDF)
Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein
Object Classification Using Heterogeneous Co-occurrence Features
Satoshi Ito, Susumu Kubota
Maximum Margin Distance Learning for Dynamic Texture Recognition
Bernard Ghanem, Narendra Ahuja
Image Invariants for Smooth Reflective Surfaces (PDF)
Aswin Sankaranarayanan, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Oncel Tuzel, Amit Agrawal
Visibility Subspaces: Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo with Shadows (PDF, project)
Kalyan Sunkavalli, Todd Zickler, Hanspeter Pfister
Ring-Light Photometric Stereo (PDF)
Zhenglong Zhou, Ping Tan
Shape from Second-bounce of Light Transport (PDF)
Siying Liu, Tian Tsong Ng, Yasuyuki Matsushita
A Dual Theory of Inverse and Forward Light Transport (PDF)
Jiamin Bai, Manmohan Chandrakery, Tian-Tsong Ng, Ravi Ramamoorthi
Lighting Aware Preprocessing for Face Recognition across Varying Illumination
Hu Han, Shiguang Shan, Laiyun Qing, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao
Detecting ground shadows in outdoor consumer photographs (PDF, project, dataset, code)
Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
The Semi-Explicit Shape Model for Multi-object Detection and Classification (PDF)
Simon Polak, Amnon Shashua

Oral T1: Faces and Humans

Coupled Gaussian Process Regression for Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition (PDF)
Ognjen Rudovic, Ioannis Patras, Maja Pantic
Bilinear Kernel Reduced Rank Regression for Facial Expression Synthesis (PDF)
Dong Huang, Fernando De la Torre
Multi-class Classification on Riemannian Manifolds for Video Surveillance
Diego Tosato, Michela Farenzena, Mauro Spera, Marco Cristani, Vittorio Murino
Modeling Temporal Structure of Decomposable Motion Segments for Activity Classification (PDF)
Juan Carlos Niebles, Chih-Wei Chen, Li Fei-Fei
Cascaded Models for Articulated Pose Estimation (PDF)
Benjamin Sapp, Alexander Toshev, Ben Taskar

Spotlights and Posters T1

State estimation in a document image and its application in text block identification and text line extraction
Koo Hyung Il, Cho Nam Ik
Enhancing Interactive Image Segmentation with Automatic Label Set Augmentation (PDF)
Lei Ding, Alper Yilmaz
Simultaneous Segmentation and Figure/Ground Organization using Angular Embedding (PDF)
Michael Maire
Cosegmentation revisited: Models and optimization (PDF)
Sara Vicente, Vladimir Kolmogorov, Carsten Rother
Optimal Contour Closure by Superpixel Grouping (PDF)
Alex Levinshtein, Cristian Sminchisescu, Sven Dickinson
Fast and Exact Primal-Dual Iterations for Variational Problems in Computer Vision (PDF)
Jan Lellmann, Dirk Breitenreicher, Christoph Schnoerr
An experimental study of color-based segmentation algorithms based on the mean-shift concept
Konstantinos Bitsakos, Cornelia Fermuller, Yiannis Aloimonos
Towards More Efficient and Effective LP-based algorithms for MRF Optimization (PDF, supplementary material)
Nikos Komodakis
Energy Minimization Under Constraints on Label Counts (PDF, tech report)
Yongsub Lim, Kyomin Jung,Pushmeet Kohli
A Fast Dual Method for HIK SVM Learning (PDF, project, source code)
Jianxin Wu
Weakly-Paired Maximum Covariance Analysis for Multimodal Dimensionality Reduction and Transfer (PDF)
Christoph H. Lampert, Oliver Krömer
Optimizing Complex Loss Functions in Structured Prediction (PDF)
Mani Ranjbar, Greg Mori, Yang Wang
A Novel Parameter Estimation Algorithm for the Multivariate t-Distribution and Its Application to Computer (PDF)
Chad Aeschliman, Johnny Park, Avinas Kak
LACBoost and FisherBoost: Optimally Building Cascade Classifiers
Chunhua Shen, Peng Wang, Hanxi Li
Object of Interest Detection by Saliency Learning (PDF)
Pattaraporn Khuwuthyakorn, Antonio Robles-Kelly, Jun Zhou
Boundary Detection using F-Measure-, Filter- and Feature boost.
Iasonas Kokkinos
Unsupervised Learning of Functional Categories in Video Scenes
Matt Turek, Anthony Hoogs, Roderic Collins
Automatic Learning of Background Semantics in Generic Surveilled Scenes
Carles Fernandez, Jordi Gonzàlez, F. Xavier Roca
Why did the person cross the road (there) ? Scene Understanding using Probabilistic Logic Models and Common Sense Reasoning
Aniruddha Kembhavi, Tom Yeh, Larry S. Davis
A Data-driven Approach for Event Prediction (PDF)
Jenny Yuen, Antonio Torralba Torralba
Activities as Time Series of Human Postures (PDF)
William Brendel, Sinisa Todorovic
Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor methods for Non-Euclidean Manifolds with Applications to Human Activity Analysis in Videos (PDF)
Rizwan Chaudhry, Yuri Ivanov
The Quadratic-Chi Histogram Distance Family (PDF, code)
Ofir Pele, Michael Werman
Membrane Nonrigid Image Registration (PDF)
Geoffrey Oxholm (Drexel University), Ko Nishino (Drexel University)
Affine puzzle: Realigning deformed object fragments without correspondences (PDF)
Csaba Domokos, Zoltan Kato
Location Recognition using Prioritized Feature Matching (PDF)
Yunpeng Li, Noah Snavely, Dan Huttenlocher
Learning a Fine Vocabulary (PDF)
Andrej Mikulik, Michal Perdoch, Ondrej Chum, Jiri Matas
Video Synchronization Using Temporal Signals from Epipolar Lines
Dmitry Pundik, Yael Moses
The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm (PDF, project)
Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Dan B Goldman, Adam Finkelstein
Automated 3D Reconstruction and Segmentation from Optical Coherence Tomography
Justin Eichel, David Clausi, Kostadinka Bizheva, Paul Fieguth
Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robust Homography Estimation (PDF)
Eduard Serradell, Mustafa Ozuysal, Vincent Lepetit, Pascal Fua, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Real-Time Spherical Mosaicing using Whole Image Alignment (PDF, project, video)
Steven Lovegrove, Andrew Davison
One-Shot Optimal Exposure Control (PDF)
Roberto Manduchi, David Ilstrup
Weakly Supervised Shape Based Object Detection with Particle Filter (PDF)
Xingwei Yang, Longin Jan Latecki

Oral T2: Geometry

Adaptive Metric Registration of 3D Models to Non-rigid Image Trajectories (PDF)
Alessio Del Bue
Local Occlusion Detection Under Deformations Using Topological Invariants (PDF)
Edgar Lobaton, Ram Vasudevan, Ruzena Bajcsy, Ron Alterovitz
2.5D Dual Contouring: A Robust Approach to Creating Building Models from Aerial LiDAR Point Clouds (PDF, project, slides, source code, , video)
Qian-Yi Zhou, Ulrich Neumann
Analytical Forward Projection for Axial Non-Central Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras
Amit Agrawal, Yuichi Taguchi, Srikumar Ramalingam
5D Motion Subspaces for Planar Motion (PDF)
Roland Angst, Marc Pollefeys
3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D Projections (PDF, project, video)
Hyun Soo Park, Takaaki Shiratori, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh

Spotlights and Posters T2

Manifold learning for object tracking with multiple motion dynamics
Jacinto Nascimento, Jorge Silva
Detection and Tracking of Large Number of Targets in Wide Area Surveillance (PDF)
Vladimir Reilly, Haroon Idrees, Mubarak Shah
Discriminative Tracking by Metric Learning (PDF)
Xiaoyu Wang, Gang Hua, Tony Han
Memory-based Particle Filter for Tracking Objects with Large Variation in Pose and Appearance (PDF)
Dan Mikami, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Junji Yamato
3D Deformable Face Tracking with a Commodity Depth Camera (PDF)
Qin Cai, David Gallup, Cha Zhang, Zhengyou Zhang
Human Attributes from 3D Pose Tracking (PDF)
Leonid Sigal, David Fleet, Niko Troje, Micha Livne
Discriminative Nonorthogonal Binary Subspace Tracking (PDF)
Ang Li, Feng Tang, Yanwen Guo, Hai Tao
TriangleFlow: Optical Flow with Triangulation-based Higher-Order Likelihoods (PDF)
Ben Glocker, Hauke Heibel, Nassir Navab, Pushmeet Kohli, Carsten Rother
Articulation-Invariant Representation of Non-planar Shapes (PDF)
Raghuraman Gopalan, Pavan Turaga, Rama Chellappa
Inferring 3D Shapes and Deformations from Single Views (PDF)
Yu Chen, Tae-Kyun Kim, Roberto Cipolla
Efficient Inference with Multiple Heterogeneous Part Detectors for Human Pose Estimation (PDF)
Vivek Singh, Ram Nevatia, Chang Huang
Co-Transduction for Shape Retrieval
Xiang Bai, Bo Wang, Xinggang Wang, Wenyu Liu, Zhuowen Tu
Learning Shape Detector by Quantizing Curve Segments with Multiple Distance Metrics
Ping Luo, Liang Lin, Chao Hongyang
Unique Signatures of Histograms for Local Surface Description (PDF, project)
Federico Tombari, Samuele Salti, Luigi Di Stefano
Exploring Ambiguities for Monocular Non-Rigid Shape Estimation (PDF)
Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Josep Porta, Pascal Fua
Efficient Computation of Scale-Space Features for Deformable Shape Correspondences (PDF)
Tingbo Hou, Hong Qin
Intrinsic regular structure detection in 3D geometry (PDF)
Niloy J. Mitra, Alex Bronstein, Michael Bronstein
Balancing Deformability and Discriminability for Shape Matching (PDF)
Haibin Ling, Xingwei Yang, Longin Jan Latecki
2D Action Recognition Serves 3D Human Pose Estimation (PDF, project, results, video)
Juergen Gall, Angela Yao, and Luc Van Gool
A Streakline Representation of Flow in Crowded Scenes (PDF, project, results, video, source code)
Ramin Mehran, Brian Moore, Mubarak Shah
Fast Multi-Aspect 2D Human Detection (PDF)
Tai-Peng Tian, Stan Sclaroff
Deterministic 3D Human Pose Estimation using Rigid Structure
Jack Valmadre, Simon Lucey
Robust Fusion: Extreme Value Theory for Recognition Score Normalization (PDF)
Walter Scheirer, Anderson Rocha, Ross Micheals, Terrance Boult
Recognizing partially occluded faces from a single sample per class using string-based matching
Weiping Chen, Yongsheng Gao
Real-time Spatiotemporal Stereo Matching Using the Dual-Cross-Bilateral Grid (PDF)
Christian Richardt, Douglas Orr, Ian Davies, Antonio Criminisi, Neil A. Dodgson
Fast Multi-labelling for Stereo Matching
Yuhang Zhang, Richard Hartley, Lei Wang
Anisotropic Minimal Surfaces Integrating Photoconsistency and Normal Information for Multiview Stereo (PDF)
Kalin Kolev, Thomas Pock, Daniel Cremers
An Efficient Graph Cut Algorithm for Computer Vision Problems (PDF, project)
Chetan Arora, Subhashis Banerjee, Prem Kalra, Shachindra Maheshwari
Non-Local Kernel Regression for Image and Video Restoration (PDF, video)
Haichao Zhang, Jianchao Yang, Yanning Zhang, Thomas Huang
A Spherical Harmonics Shape Model for Level Set Segmentation
Maximilian Baust, Nassir Navab
A Model of Volumetric Shape for the Analysis of Longitudinal Alzheimer's Disease Data
Xinyang Liu, Xiuwen Liu, Yonggang Shi, Paul Thompson, Washington Mio
Fast Optimization for Variational Saddle-Point Problems in Computer Vision
Junzhou Huang, shaoting zhang, Dimitris Metaxas
3D Point Correspondence by Minimum Description Length in Feature Space (PDF)
Jiun-Hung Chen, Ke Colin Zheng, Linda Shapiro
Making Action Recognition Robust to Occlusions and Viewpoint Changes (PDF)
Daniel Weinland, Mustafa Ozuysal, and Pascal Fua
Structured Output Ordinal Regression for Dynamic Facial Emotion Intensity Prediction
Minyoung Kim, Vladimir Pavlovic

Oral W1: Image Features, Matching, and Motion

Critical Nets and Beta-Stable Features for Image Matching (PDF)
Steve Gu, Ying Zheng, Carlo Tomasi
Descriptor Learning for Efficient Retrieval (PDF)
James Philbin, Michael Isard, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
Texture Regimes for Entropy-Based Multiscale Image Analysis (PDF)
Sylvain Bolttz, Frank Nielsen, Stefano Soatto
A High-Quality Video Denoising Algorithm Based on Reliable Motion Estimation (PDF)
Ce Liu, William Freeman
An Oriented Flux Symmetry Based Active Contour Model for Three Dimensional Vessel Segmentation (PDF)
Max W.K. Law, Albert C.S. Chung

Spotlights and Posters W1

MRF Inference by k-Fan Decomposition and Tight Lagrangian Relaxation (PDF)
Jörg Kappes, Stefan Schmidt, Christoph Schnoerr
Randomized Locality Sensitive Vocabularies for Bag-of-Features Model (PDF)
Yadong Mu, Ju Sun, Tony X. Han, Loong-Fah Cheong, Shuicheng Yan
Image Categorization using Directed Graphs
Hua Wang, Heng Huang, Chris Ding
Robust Multi-View Boosting with Priors (PDF)
Amir Saffari, Christian Leistner, Martin Godec, and Horst Bischof
Optimum Subspace Learning and Error Correction for Tensors (PDF)
Yin Li, Junchi Yan, Yue Zhou, Jie Yang
Kernel Sparse Representation for Image Classification and Face Recognition (PDF)
Shenghua Gao, Wai-Hung Tsang, Liang-Tien Chia
Every picture tells a story: generating sentences from images (PDF)
Ali Farhadi, Mohsen Hejrati, Mohammad Amin Sadeghi, Peter Young, Cyrus Rashtchian, Julia Hockenmaier, David Forsyth
An eye fixation database for saliency detection in images (PDF)
Ramanathan Subramanian, Harish Katti, Nicu Sebe, Mohan Kankanhalli, Tat-Seng Chua
Face Image Relighting using Locally Constrained Global Optimization (PDF)
Jiansheng Chen, Guangda Su, Jingping He, Shenglan Ben
Correlation-based intrinsic image extraction from a single image (PDF, supplementary material)
Xiaoyue Jiang, Andrew Schofield, Jeremy Wyatt
ADICT: Accurate Direct and Inverse Color Transformation (PDF)
Behzad Sajadi, Maxim Lazarov, Aditi Majumder
Real-time Specular Highlight Removal Using a Single Image (PDF)
Qingxiong Yang, Shengnan Wang, Narendra Ahuja
Learning Artistic Lighting Template from Portrait Photographs (PDF)
Xin Jin, Mingtian Zhao, Xiaowu Chen, Qinping Zhao, Song-Chun Zhu
Photometric Stereo for Dynamic Surface Orientations (PDF)
Hyeongwoo Kim, Bennett Wilburn, Moshe Ben-Ezra
Part Based Feature Synthesis for Human Detection (PDF, supplementary material, code)
Aharon Bar-Hillel, Dan Levi, Eyal Krupka, Chen Goldberg
Improving the Fisher Kernel for Large-Scale Image Classification (PDF)
Florent Perronnin, Jorge Sanchez, Thomas Mensink
Max-Margin Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Categorization (PDF)
Xiaochen Lian, Zhiwei Li, Bao-Liang Lu, Lei Zhang
Towards Optimal Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor (PDF)
Régis Behmo, Paul Marcombes, Arnak Dalalyan, Véronique Prinet
Weakly supervised classification of objects in images using soft random forests
Riwal Lefort, Ronan Fablet, jean-marc Boucher
Learning What and How of Contextual Models for Scene Labeling (PDF)
Arpit Jain, Abhinav Gupta, Larry S. Davis
Adapting Visual Category Models to New Domains (PDF)
Kate Saenko, Brian Kulis, Mario Fritz, Trevor Darrell
Improved Human Parsing with a Full Relational Model (PDF)
Duan Tran, David Forsyth
Multiresolution models for object detection (PDF)
Dennis Park, Deva Ramanan, Charless Fowlkes
Accurate Image Localization Based on Google Maps Street View (PDF)
Amir Roshan Zamir, Mubarak Shah
A minimal case solution to the calibrated relative pose problem for the case of two known orientation (PDF)
Friedrich Fraundorfer, Petri Tanskanen, Marc Pollefeys
Bilinear factorization via Augmented Lagrange Multipliers (PDF)
Alessio Del Bue, Joao Xavier, Lourdes Agapito, Marco Paladini
Piecewise Quadratic Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Surfaces from Monocular Sequences (PDF, video)
Joao Fayad, Alessio Del Bue, Lourdes Agapito
Extrinsic camera calibration using multiple reflections (PDF)
Joel Hesch, Stergios Roumeliotis, Anastasios Mourikis
Probabilistic Deformable Surface Tracking From Multiple Videos (Abstract, video)
Cedric Cagniart, E. Boyer, S. Ilic
Theory of Optimal View Interpolation with Depth Inaccuracy
Keita Takahashi
Practical Methods For Convex Multi-View Reconstruction (PDF)
Christopher Zach, Marc Pollefeys
Building Rome on a Cloudless Day (PDF, video)
Jan-Michael Frahm, Pierre Georgel, David Gallup, Tim Johnson, Rahul Raguram, Changchang Wu, Yi-Hung Jen, Enrique Dunn, Brian Clipp, Svetlana Lazebnik, Marc Pollefeys
Camera Pose Estimation using Images of Planar Mirror Reßections
Rui Rodrigues, Joao Barreto, Urbano Nunes
Element-Wise Factorization for Projective N-view Reconstruction
Yuchao Dai, Hongdong Li, Mingyi He
Learning Relations Among Movie Characters: A Social Network Perspective (PDF)
Lei Ding, Alper Yilmaz

Oral W2: Object and Scene Recognition

What, Where & How Many? Combining Object Detectors and CRFs (PDF)
L'ubor Ladický, Paul Sturgess, Karteek Alahari, Chris Russell, Philip H.S. Torr
Visual Recognition With Humans in the Loop (PDF, project)
Steven Branson, Catherine Wah, Florian Schroff, Boris Babenko, Peter Welinder, Pietro Perona, Serge Belongie
Localizing Objects while Learning Their Appearance (PDF)
Thomas Deselaers, Bogdan Alexe, Vittorio Ferrari
Monocular 3D Scene Modeling and Inference: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes (PDF)
Christian Wojek, Stefan Roth, Konrad Schindler, Bernt Schiele
Blocks World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualitative Geometry and Mechanics (PDF, project, results) - formely: Block World Revisited: Image Understanding Using Qualitative Geometry and Mechanics
Abhinav Gupta, Alexei A. Efros, and Martial Hebert
Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding (PDF)
Huayan Wang, Stephen Gould, Daphne Koller

Spotlights and Posters W2

Visual Tracking using a Pixelwise Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Representation (PDF)
Kevin Cannons, Jacob Gryn, Richard Wildes
A Globally Optimal Approach for 3D Elastic Motion Estimation from Stereo Sequences
Qifan Wang, linmi Tao, Huijun Di
Occlusion Boundary Detection using Pseudo-Depth
Xuming He, Alan Yuille
Multiple Target Tracking in World Coordinate with a Single, Minimally Calibrated Camera (PDF)
Wongun Choi, Silvio Savarese
Joint Estimation of Motion, Structure and Geometry from Stereo Sequences (PDF)
Levi Valgaerts, Andres Bruhn, Henning Zimmer, Joachim Weickert, Carsten Stoll, Christian Theobalt
Dense, Robust, and Accurate Motion Field Estimation from Stereo Image Sequences in Real-time
Clemens Rabe, Thomas Mueller, Andreas Wedel, Uwe Franke
Estimation Of 3D Object Structure, Motion And Rotation Based On 4D Affine Optical Flow using A Multi-Camera Array
Tobias Schuchert, Hanno Scharr
Efficiently Scaling Up Video Annotation with Crowdsourced Marketplaces (PDF, data, code)
Carl Vondrick, Deva Ramanan, Donald Patterson
Robust and Fast Collaborative Tracking with Two Stage Sparse Optimization (PDF)
Baiyang Liu, Lin Yang, Junzhou Huang, Peter Meer, Leiguang Gong, Casimir Kulikowski
Nonlocal Multiscale Hierarchical Decomposition on Graphs
Moncef Hidane, Olivier Lézoray, Vinh-Thong Ta, Abderahim Elmoataz
Adaptive Regularization for Image Segmentation Using Local Image Curvature Cues (PDF)
Josna Rao, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Ghassan Hamarneh
A Static SMC Sampler on Shapes for the Automated Segmentation of Aortic Calcifications
Kersten Petersen, Sami Brandt, Mads Nielsen
Fast dynamic texture detection (PDF)
V. Javier Traver, Majid Mirmehdi, Xianghua Xie, Raúl Montoliu
Finding Semantic Structures in Image Hierarchies using Laplacian Graph Energy (PDF, project, code)
Yi-Zhe Song, Pablo Arbelaez, Peter Hall, Chuan Li, Anupriya Balikai
Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes using Dense Depth Maps (PDF)
Chenxi Zhang, Liang Wang, Ruigang Yang
Tensor Sparse Coding for Region Covariances (PDF)
Ravishankar Sivalingam, Daniel Boley, Vassilios Morellas, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos
Improving Local Descriptors by Embedding Global and Local Spatial Information
Tatsuya Harada, Hideki Nakayama, Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Detecting Faint Curved Edges in Noisy Images (PDF)
Sharon Alpert, Meirav Galun, Boaz Nadler and Ronen Basri
Spatial statistics of visual keypoints for texture recognition
Huu-giao Nguyen, Ronan Fablet, Jean-Marc Boucher
BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features (PDF)
Michael Calonder, Vincent Lepetit, and Pascal Fua
Multi-Label Feature Transform
Hua Wang, Heng Huang, Chris Ding
Towards Computational Models of Visual Aesthetic Appeal of Consumer Videos (PDF)
Anush Moorthy, Pere Obrador, Nuria Oliver
Object Recognition using Junctions
Bo Wang, Xiang Bai, Xinggang Wang, Wenyu Liu, Zhuowen Tu
Using Partial Edge Contour Matches for Efficient Object Category Localization (PDF)
Hayko Riemenschneider, Michael Donoser, Horst Bischof
Active Mask Hierarchies for Object Detection
Yuanhao Chen, Leo Zhu, Alan Yuille
From a Set of Shapes to Object Discovery (PDF, supplementary material)
Nadia Payet, Sinisa Todorovic
What does Classifying more than 10,000 Image Categories Tell us? (PDF)
Jia Deng, Alexander Berg, Kai Li, Li Fei-Fei
Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Behaviors of Web Image Collections (PDF)
Gunhee Kim, Eric Xing, Antonio Torralba
Non-Local Characterization of Scenery Images: Statistics, 3D Reasoning, and a Generative Model (PDF, supplementary material)
Tamar Avraham, Michael Lindenbaum
Efficient Highly Over-Complete Sparse Coding using a Mixture Model (PDF)
Jianchao Yang, Kai Yu, Thomas Huang
Attribute-based Transfer Learning for Object Categorization with Zero or One Training Example
Xiaodong Yu, Yiannis Aloimonos
Image Classification using Super-Vector Coding of Local Image Descriptors (PDF)
Xi Zhou, Kai Yu, Tong Zhang, Thomas Huang
A Discriminative Latent Model of Object Classes and Attributes (PDF)
Yang Wang, Greg Mori
Seeing with Social Context: Recognizing People and Social Relationships (PDF)
Gang Wang, Andrew Gallagher, Jiebo Luo, David Forsyth
Discovering Multipart Appearance Models from Captioned Images (PDF)
Michael Jamieson, Yulia Eskin, Afsaneh Fazly, Suzanne Stevenson, Sven Dickinson
Voting by grouping dependent parts (PDF)
Pradeep Yarlagadda, Antonio Monroy, Bjoern Ommer
Superpixels and Supervoxels in a Global Optimization Framework (PDF)
Olga Veksler, Yuri Boykov, Paria Mehrani

Oral R1: Segmentation

Convex Relaxation for Multilabel Problems with Product Label Spaces (PDF)
Bastian Goldluecke, Daniel Cremers
Graph Cut based Inference with Co-occurrence Statistics (PDF)
Lubor Ladicky, Chris Russell, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H.S. Torr
Ambrosio-Tortorelli Segmentation of Stochastic Images
Torben Pätz, Tobias Preusser
Multiple Hypothesis Video Segmentation from Superpixel Flows
Amelio Vazquez-Reina, Shai Avidan, Hanspeter Pfister, Eric Miller
Object Segmentation by Long Term Analysis of Point Trajectories (PDF)
Thomas Brox, Jitendra Malik

Spotlights and Posters R1

Exploiting Repetitive Object Patterns for Model Compression and Completion (PDF, project)
Luciano Spinello, Rudolph Triebel, Dizan Vasquez, Kai O. Arras, Roland Siegwart
Feature tracking for wide-baseline image retrieval (PDF)
Ameesh Makadia
Crowd Detection with a Multiview Sampler (PDF)
Weina Ge, Robert Collins
A Unified Contour-Pixel Model for Segmentation
Benjamin Packer, Stephen Gould, Daphne Koller
SuperParsing: Scalable Nonparametric Image Parsing with Superpixels (PDF, project)
Joseph Tighe, Svetlana Lazebnik
Segmenting Salient Object from Images and Videos
Esa Rahtu, Juho Kannala, Mikko Salo, Janne Heikkilä
ClassCut for Unsupervised Class Segmentation (PDF)
Bogdan Alexe, Thomas Deselaers, Vittorio Ferrari
A Dynamic Programming Approach to Reconstructing Building Interiors (PDF)
Alexander Flint, Christopher Mei, David Murray, Ian Reid
Discriminative Mixture-of-Templates for Viewpoint Classification (PDF)
Chunhui Gu, Xiaofeng Ren
Efficient Non-Consecutive Feature Tracking for Structure-from-Motion (PDF)
Guofeng Zhang, Zilong Dong, Jiaya Jia, Tien-Tsin Wong, Hujun Bao
P2Pi: A Minimal Solution for Registration of 3D Points to 3D Planes
Srikumar Ramalingam, Yuichi Taguchi, Tim Marks, Oncel Tuzel
Boosting Chamfer Matching with Normalized Chamfer Distance (PDF)
Tianyang Ma, Xingwei Yang, Longin Jan Latecki
Geometry Construction from Caustic Images (PDF)
Manuel Finckh, Holger Dammertz, Hendrik Lensch
Archive Film Restoration based on Spatiotemporal Random Walks
Xiaosong Wang, Majid Mirmehdi
Reweighted Random Walks for Graph Matching (PDF, project, results)
Minsu Cho, Jungmin Lee, Kyoung Mu Lee
Rotation invariant non-rigid shape matching in cluttered scenes (PDF, source code)
Loosely Distinctive Features for Robust Surface Alignment (PDF)
Andrea Albarelli, Emanuele Rodolà, Andrea Torsello
Accelerated Hypothesis Generation for Multi-Structure Robust Fitting (PDF)
Tat-Jun Chin, Jin Yu, David Suter, Jin Yu
Aligning Spatio-Temporal Signals on a Special Manifold
Ruonan Li, Rama Chellappa
Supervised label transfer for semantic segmentation of street scenes (PDF)
Honghui ZHANG, Jianxiong Xiao, Long Quan
Category Independent Object Proposals (PDF)
Ian Endres, Derek Hoiem
Photo-consistent Planar Patches from Unstructured Cloud of Points (PDF)
Roberto Toldo, Andrea Fusiello
Contour Grouping and Abstraction using Simple Part Models (PDF)
Pablo Sala, Sven Dickinson
Dynamic Color Flow: A Motion-Adaptive Color Model for Object Segmentation in Video (PDF)
Xue Bai, Jue Wang, Guillermo Sapiro
What is the Chance of Happening: A New Way to Predict Where People Look
Yezhou Yang, Mingli Song, Na Li, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen
Supervised and Unsupervised Clustering with Probabilistic Shift
Sanketh Shetty, Narendra Ahuja
Depth-Encoded Hough Voting for joint object detection and shape recovery (PDF)
Min Sun, Gary Bradski, Bingxin Xu, Silvio Savarese
Shape Analysis of Planar Objects with Arbitrary Topologies using Conformal Geometry
Lok Ming Lui, Wei Zeng, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng Gu
A coarse-to-fine taxonomy of constellations for fast multi-class object detection (PDF)
Sanja Fidler, Marko Boben, Ales Leonardis
Hough Transform and 3D SURF for robust three dimensional classification (PDF)
Jan Knopp, Mukta Prasad, Geert Willems, Radu Timofte, Luc van Gool
Converting Level Set Gradients to Shape Gradients (PDF)
Siqi Chen, Guillaume Charpiat, Richard Radke
A Close-form Iterative Algorithm for Depth Inferring from a Single Image
Yang Cao, Yan Xia, Zengfu Wang
Learning Shape Segmentation Using Constrained Spectral Clustering and Probabilistic Label Transfer (PDF)
Avinash Sharma, Etienne von Lavante, Radu Horaud
Geodesic Shape Retrieval via Optimal Mass Transport (PDF)
Julien Rabin, Gabriel Peyre, Laurent Cohen
A Shrinkage Learning Approach for Single Image Super-Resolution with Overcomplete Representations (PDF)
Amir Adler, Yacov Hel-Or, Michael Elad

Oral R2: Visual Learning

Constrained Spectral Clustering via Exhaustive and Efficient Constraint Propagation
Zhiwu Lu, Horace Ip
Object Recognition with Hierarchical Stel Models (PDF)
Alessandro Perina, Nebojsa Jojic, Umberto Castellani, Marco Cristani, Vittorio Murino
MIForests: Multiple-Instance Learning with Randomized Trees (PDF)
Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari, Horst Bischof
Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis and the Effect of Linear Approximations (PDF)
Stefan Sommer, Francois Lauze, Søren Hauberg, Mads Nielsen
Stacked Hierarchical Labeling (PDF)
Daniel Munoz, Drew Bagnell, Martial Hebert

Spotlights and Posters R2

Image Segmentation with Topic Random Field (PDF)
Bin Zhao, Li Fei-Fei, Eric Xing
Figure-ground image segmentation helps semi-supervised learning of objects.
Katerina Fragkiadaki, Jianbo Shi
Clustering Complex Data with Group-Dependent Feature Selection (PDF)
Yen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, Chiou-Shann Fuh
On Parameter Learning in CRF-based Approaches to Object Class Image Segmentation (PDF, supplementary material)
Sebastian Nowozin, Peter V. Gehler, Christoph H. Lampert
Exploring the Identity Manifold: Constrained Operations in Face Space
Ankur Patel, William Smith
Multi-Label Linear Discriminant Analysis
Hua Wang, Chris Ding, Heng Huang
Convolutional learning of spatio-temporal features (PDF, supplementary material)
Graham Taylor, Rob Fergus, Yann LeCun, Christoph Bregler
Learning Pre-attentive Driving Behaviour from Holistic Visual Features (PDF)
Nicolas Pugeault, Richard Bowden
Detecting People Using Mutually Consistent Poselet Activations (PDF, project, code, dataset, results)
Lubomir Bourdev, Subhransu Maji, Thomas Brox, Jitendra Malik
Disparity Statistics for Pedestrian Detection: Combining Appearance, Motion, and Stereo
Stefan Walk, Konrad Schindler, Bernt Schiele
Multi-stage Sampling with Boosting Cascades for Pedestrian Detection in Images and Videos (PDF)
Giovanni Gualdi, Andrea Prati, Rita Cucchiara
Learning to Detect Roads in High-Resolution Aerial Images (PDF)
Volodymyr Mnih, Geoffrey Hinton
Thinking Inside the Box: Using Appearance Models and Context Based on Room Geometry (PDF)
Varsha Hedau, Derek Hoiem, David Forsyth
A Structural Filter Approach to Human Detection)
Genquan Duan, Haizhou Ai, Shihong Lao
Geometric Constraints for Human Detection in Aerial Imagery (PDF)
Vladimir Reilly, Berkan Solmaz, Mubarak Shah
Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic Problem (PDF)
Georges Baatz, Kevin Koeser, David Chen, Radek Grzeszczuk, Marc Pollefeys
Recursive Coarse-to-Fine Localization for fast Object Detection (PDF)
Marco Pedersoli, Jordi Gonzàlez, Andrew Bagdanov, Juan José Villanueva
A Local Bag-of-Features Model for Large-Scale Object Retrieval
Zhe Lin, Jonathan Brandt
Velocity-Dependent Shutter Sequences for Motion Deblurring (PDF)
Scott McCloskey
Colorization for Single Image Super Resolution (Project) - formely: Addressing Color for Image Super Resolution
Shuaicheng Liu, Michael S. Brown, Seon Joo Kim, Yu-Wing Ta
Programmable Aperture Photography (PDF)
Hajime Nagahara, Changyin Zhou, Takuya Watanabe, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Shree Nayar
A New Algorithmic Approach for Contrast Enhancement
Xiaolin Wu, Yong Zhao
Seeing through Obscure Glass (PDF)
Qi Shan, Brian Curless, Tadayoshi Kohno
A Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Potts Model
Jing Yuan, Egil Bae, Xue-Cheng Tai, Yuri Boykov
Hybrid Compressive Sampling via a New $\ell_1$-norm Total Variation
Xianbiao Shu, Narendra Ahuja
Perspective Imaging under Structured Light
Prasanna Rangarajan, Vikrant Bhakta, Marc Christensen, Panos Papamichalis
Lighting and Pose Robust Face Sketch Synthesis (PDF, experimental results, more results)
Wei Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang
Predicting Facial Beauty without Landmarks (PDF)
Douglas Gray, Kai Yu, Wei Xu, Yihong Gong
Gabor Feature based Sparse Representation for Face Recognition with Gabor Occlusion Dictionary (PDF, source code)
Meng Yang, Lei Zhang
Motion Profiles for Deception Detection using Visual Cues
Nicholas Michael, Mark Dilsizian, Dimitris Metaxas, Judee K. Burgoon
A Robust and Scalable Approach to Face Identification (PDF, project)
William Schwartz, Huimin Guo, Larry Davis
Emotion Recognition from Arbitrary View Facial Images (PDF)
Wenming Zheng, Hao Tang, Zhouchen Lin, Thomas Huang
Face Liveness Detection from A Single Image with Sparse Low Rank Bilinear Discriminative Model (PDF)
Xiaoyang Tan, Yi Li, Jun Liu, Lin Jiang
Robust Head Pose Estimation using Regression-based Supervised Manifold Learning
Chiraz BenAbdelkader
Knowledge based Activity Recognition with Dynamic Bayesian Network
Zhi Zeng, Qiang Ji
View and Style-Independent Action Manifolds for Human Activity Recognition (PDF)
Michal Lewandowski, Dimitrios Makris, Jean-Christophe Nebel